Westville Schools presents...
The Westville Little School: An educational preschool focusing on supported child development, home to school connections, and kindergarten readiness through self-awareness, discovery, and play.
Conceptual framework
Children and families will learn and participate in:
- School and classroom routines
- Following directions
- Listening to stories and songs
- Learning centers
- Early literacy and math
- Sharing with others
- Making new friends
- Family support
3 year old classes will meet Tuesday and Thursday
- Students must be 3 years old by August 1st
- $25 per week
4 year old classes will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Students must be 4 years old by August 1st
- $35 per week
Classes will follow the Westville Schools schedule
- AM class is from 8:00-10:30
- PM class is from 12:30 to 3:00